Sunday, December 14, 2008

Fix the Atmosphere!

Observations with the antenna axis pointing towards the North ecliptic pole showed that the rate of deposition of meteoric dust is substantially larger during the Arctic NLC season than the annual mean deposition rate. The daylight meteor showers of the Arietids, Zeta Perseids, and Beta Taurids supposedly contribute considerably to the June maximum of meteor rates. We note, though, that with the radar antenna pointing as described above, all three meteor radiants are close to the local horizon but all three radiants were detected. Read more here about Noctilucent clouds and their causes here:

Ice inside a cloud is thought to be a key element in lightning development, and may cause a forcible separation of positive and negative charges within the cloud, thus assisting in the formation of lightning.

If this is true then the Noctilucent clouds mentioned above could seperate positive and negative ions in the atmosphere and allow meteorites through to hit the earth! Read more here!

In addition if we look at the fact that meteorites are made up of nickel and iron and we know that hydrogen melts nickel and iron; then we need to investigate why the atmosphere is being depleted of hydrogen! Also, nickel and iron are able to be used as a catalyst to create more methane!

One thing destroying the hydrogen is a US military program called HAARP. I cannot believe the incompetence in the people using this program. Obviously there was not proper follow through!

HAARP Boils the Upper Atmosphere

HAARP will zap the upper atmosphere with a focused and steerable electromagnetic beam. It is an advanced model of an "ionospheric heater." (The ionosphere is the electrically-charged sphere surrounding Earth's upper atmosphere. It ranges between 40 to 60 miles above the surface of the Earth.)
Put simply, the apparatus for HAARP is a reversal of a radio telescope; antenna send out signals instead of receiving. HAARP is the test run for a super-powerful radiowave-beaming technology that lifts areas of the ionosphere by focusing a beam and heating those areas. Electromagnetic waves then bounce back onto earth and penetrate everything -- living and dead.

In addition HAARP is shooting barium into the atmosphere. The atmosphere contains carbon monoxide and when barim and carbon monoxide mix it becomes radioactive, therefore, making our atmosphere radioactive! If this continues the radioactive atmosphere will kill life on earth before meteorites! Read about Barium here:

Now consider Noctilucent cloud effects with Radioactive Barium and the Hydrogen in the Atmosphere.

Naturally occurring barium is a mix of seven stable isotopes. There are twenty-two isotopes known, but most of these are highly radioactive and have half-lives in the several millisecond to several minute range.

Now consider the greenhouse gases from oil and coal that release methane into the atmosphere. What happens when HAARP is boiling the upper atmosphere that methane is in, and meteorite dust act as catalyst?

Also Earth is a magnate to meteorites because of Earth's gravity, which has been increasing. It is increasing because of mass to the earth by space dust and meteorite dust. Is it increasing because of tidal power? Read more here on how the Earth's gravity is increasing, therefore becoming a stronger magnate to meteorites!

I also think there is a possiblity that sound like that of a harmonious major triad could shatter meteorites!

In addition if my theory of NOAH's Arc translated into physics is correct. That it translates to Nitrogen Oxygen Atomic Hydrogen and the ARC is an Electric Arc; then the holes in the atmosphere can be fixed with NOAH's ARC!

See welding with an Electric Arc here:

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